Mange knob og knuder. Lots of knots.
Istap Hitch: Kan slæbe en istap, så godt griber den fat om emnet.
Istap Hitch: Can drag an icicle, so well does it grip the object.
Sådan laver man en rebstige/hængebro.
How to make a rope ladder/suspension bridge.
Her ser du et stort udvalg af knob, som også jægere kan have nytte af.
Here you see a big selection of knots, also usefull for hunters.
Hér kan en far eller mor imponere sine børn, ved at lave f.eks. en rebstige eller en hængebro.
Here a father or mother can impress the children, by making e.g. a rope ladder or a suspension bridge.
Det skal understreges meget skarpt: at børn og unge ikke bør/må lege med reb og knuder, og at flere af disse knob er direkte livsfarlige, og har forårsaget dødsulykker. – Der skal altid være en ansvarlig voksen til stede, når børn og unge har med knob, stik, knuder og reb at gøre.
It must be emphasized very sharply: that children and young people should not /must not play with ropes and knots, and that several of these knots are directly life-thretening and have caused fatal accidents. – There must allways be a responsible adult present, when children and young people are dealing with knots and ropes.
You can also download a .pdf file with 170 knots, knots, lacings and lashings – indexed, with pictures, explanations and instructions for use.