In Kærhave Skov, in Denmark.
Henning and I were feeding pheasants at Giesegaard when I suddenly noticed something big was entering my pocket. – It turned out to be this well-fed doe who thought I probably had something edible in my pocket. – After we had petted her a bit, she continued calm and peaceful into the forest.
My name is Jack Hansen and I am from Denmark-DK.
My background:
I have been an active hunter since I was 10, so for about 63 years. I started as a mechanical carpenter, and have the following educations: Wood technician from the Danish Technological Institute, Business economist and accounting from Niels Brock, Physiotherapy education and Building constructer from the Danish College of Construction Technology.
I have worked in building- construction for many years, starting as a foreman, estimator and calculator, designer and consultant – and the last many years with building inspections (condition and failure). I have also worked a lot with graphic things, such as publications, reports, descriptions and statements, analyses and key figures, etc.
The goal of this website is:
With this website I try to pass on my hunting experience from rifle hunting deer to others. – Especially hunters who have not yet gained hunting experience and routine can, by reading a little more, probably save years, annoyances and insinuations – because it probably takes many years to become an experienced rifle hunter.
– but also experienced hunters, population management institutions and land lords can probably also benefit from this.
This passing on my hunting experience mostly takes the form of a series of illustrated, in-depth and substantiated articles about hunting (deer hunting), rifle shooting, population management and nature.
In this way, I have consciously strived not to simply make claims and statements that can simply be dismissed with other claims and statements – this by linking to credible studies and scientific material, which I also count further on in many articles, in order to extract more results and information from these.
Within the hunters world, there is a great deal of “knowledge on the mountain” and attitudes among hunters, hunting organizations and hunting lodgers, which have survived on traditions, and which have become a kind of de facto knowledge that has been referred to often – but if you take some of this de facto knowledge closer to the facts it turns out, that they do not hold water. – An example of this is several existing statements about what an animal’s central nervous system is, which cannot be recognized neither purely medically and forensically. – Another example is hunters and hunting organizations’ maintaining the heart bullet for deer as the best, and where banal measurement can determine the opposite.
And with special reference to the population management authorities and hunting organizations, I would like to point out a very comprehensive, impartial Game Analysis Model presented here that can be considered a suitable tool for use in game management and adaptive management.
And with reference to hunting lessors/landlords and rifle hunters, I would like to point out a series of Cull-Tools presented here, where hunting lessors/landlords and hunters can find the best harvest (cull) and the best shooting distribution of deer – on their own defined hunting area.
And the main emphasis on this website is probably placed on:
2. The longest ethical shooting distances for deer.
4. The justification of hunting in society.
I have also chosen to show other things on this website that may be of interest to others.
“A buck is a buck”. – A very sympathetic buck in Raskarum in Sweden.