Terms of use of website and the total Wild Game Analysis model, as well as reservations. – Read this Disclaimer before purchasing the Wild Game Analysis, Cull Tools etc. and before using the Website – Please note that the Danish disclaimer applies.

Disclaimer and Specific Reservations (Terms, Conditions and Reservations):

By using the website “Find dit rigtige jagtudbytte – Find your right cull.dk” as well as population analysis models, calculation models, Cull- tools and optimization models and other files that can be downloaded from here at any time, or delivered / transferred in any other way, you accept this disclaimer and are agreed herein. – If this is not accepted do not use the website and / or population analysis models / calculation models etc. and / or other files that can be downloaded from or via the website at any time and / or delivered / transferred in another way. 

The website: “Find dit rigtige jagtudbytte – Find your right cull.dk” with associated Wild Game Analysis model, Cull- tools and optimization model, etc., is owned and operated by the couple Marie-Louise Ljungberg Hansen, Jack Carl Hansen and their son, who are private individuals under Danish law. The same applies to the population analysis model, the Cull- tools and the Optimization model, etc., as well as separately supplied files – in their various current and future names, versions, – and country versions, as well as animal species, – and language versions. 

No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action in reliance on or as a result of the material included in or omitted from this Wild Game analysis can be or is accepted by the author(s) / the publisher (s).

Use of content in the above mentioned website and in the Wild Game Analysis models, as well as any other accompanying or later analysis models is at your own responsibility and risk – and we do not accept any direct or indirect or derivative responsibility, nor responsibility for the use thereof. The population analysis´s file(s), including analysis models and optimization model, may not be disseminated elswhere in any way, but is solely for personal, private and non-commercial use of the persons to whom we have provided the files, unless otherwise agreed in writing. – All as described above and further specified as follows:

We disclaim all forms of liability and liability for damages incurred in connection with a visit to, or in connection with any use of the website: “Find det rigtige jagtudbytte – Find the right cull.dk”, as the content of this and all material there at any time can be downloaded / purchased from or via the website or delivered / transferred in any other way, including analysis models, calculation models, Cull- Tools, Optimization model and separately delivered files are without any kind of guarantee, including without guarantee of suitability for a particular purpose. Thus, all or part of the Wild Game Analysis is purchased as viewed online, and without complaint, or right of return. 

All content on the website and in the analysis models strives to be correct – but no guarantee is given, either explicitly or tacitly, that information, calculations, methods, principles and information, etc. are accurate and correct on the above website and in all the documents and files of the entire Wild Game Analysis as they are and exist at all times. The website and all content on the website and in all the documents and files of the entire Wild Game Analysis, including analysis models, calculation models, Cull- Tools, Optimization model and separate files can be deleted and changed without notice and without prior notice. 

All information, materials and files downloaded from the Website, or otherwise obtained through the use of the Website, are provided at your own risk and we expressly disclaim any liability for damages and accidental consequential damages that arise from the use of the Website or the use of the files that can be downloaded from the website at any time and / or can otherwise be downloaded or delivered / transferred – whether due to errors, omissions, misinterpretations, translation errors, lack of translation, inconveniences in the material, or any other reason. This limitation also includes compensation for losses due to malicious programs, malicious files that can be downloaded via the website, or malicious files that have been delivered / transferred in another way. 

We are not responsible for links on the website and the use of these is at your own risk. It is permitted to link to the content of the above-mentioned website with the correct source indication. Single use of links is permitted, while systematic use of links for commercial purposes is not permitted. It is not permitted, without our prior written permission, to insert content from the above website, including from files that can be downloaded from or via the website or otherwise transferred, including analysis models, calculation models, shooting tools, optimization model and separately delivered files, into a website frame so that the content appears as an integral part of the page. 

No further help / support and guidance is provided in the use and understanding of this website, and its content.

Special attention is drawn to the fact that it is the Danish-language version of this Disclaimer that is applicable, as there may be translation errors, or possibilities for misinterpretations, in the accompanying English Disclaimer, which is thus only conclusive/indicative.

A userof the Wild Game Analysis, Cull Tools etc., as well as other things that can be downloaded from the website, accepts without complaint and without right of return and without repayment what has been received, in the condition and usability this has.

Photos in Galleries such as in e.g. The galleries: “Various useful”, “Survivel” and “Knots”, as well as files that can be freely downloaded, should be considered as my own personal and private reference sites and places, which i simply show others. 

Danish legislation:

Everything on the website, any Wild Game Analysis models, optimization models and all other files that can be downloaded via the website, the website and files transferred/delivered differently and at any time, are subject to Danish law and all cases and disputes of any kind related thereto, shall be settled by the Danish courts.

Regarding Present: Statements, Claims, Opinions, Criticism, Instructions and Recommendations, etc.:

All statements, criticisms, statements, statements, instructions and recommendations, etc. performed in this overall Wild Game Analysis must be perceived as follows, and with the following addition: “In my opinion”, “as I see it”, “as I have perceived it” and/or “as the results of this Wild Game analysis´s is displayed.”


This total Wild Game Analysis incl. populations analysis model, calculation models, and optimization model etc., in all its countries, and in animal species versions are copyrighted.

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this analysis model, or parts of the analysis model and population analysis, is illegal and will be prosecuted. – You may not copy, distribute, restore, republish, modify, forward, sell or otherwise communicate any of this material, including text, formulas, calculation methods, and images for privat, public or commercial purposes, without prior written permission from us.


There is no support for this Wild Game Analysis og its Cull Tools etc.

However, comments and remarks can be written to the email address on the website.

Used sources and photos, in addition to own sources and photos:

Not replacing the original source/photo, scaled-down, down formatted/conversed, combined and in another way compounded and edited free photos under “Fair Use” and “Public Domain Images” from pixabay.com, Google and from the free Wikipedia – with the new purpose of societally beneficial and research-based shed light on significant, overall approach to promote proper population analysis and population management of wild huntable and non-huntable animal species.